Logan Ice

Logan Ice

  • A Sip of the Social Soda Saga

    February 6, 2013 by Logan Ice

    Think back almost 40 years—the year is 1975. Coke has as much of a grip on the Cola market as Band-aid has on the adhesive bandage market or Kleenex has on facial tissues. While the company had only been around for 10 years longer than the newly renamed Pepsi, it still owned the lion’s share of the market. Pepsi did something unheard of at the…

    • Stick Out

      January 17, 2013 by Logan Ice

      So you want to engage with your audience and expand your fan base, but your market is saturated with ads coming from every agency known to man, whizzing past you left and right with seemingly no target? Sounds like the same song every company around is singing right now. You can hardly go anywhere without seeing dozens of barely aimed messages barreling towards you. Logging…